08 8332 8811
Opening Hours
Monday-Friday: 9:00am - 5:30pm
Saturday: 9:00am - 1pm
Manufacturer: ZeroNoise

ZERONOISE INTERCOM KIT is a full replacement kit for open face helmets.


It is fully compatible with all ZERONOISE AMPLIFIERS and it is available with female nexus connectors.


Suits the following ZeroNoise Amplifiers.

  • BRAVE amplifier
  • INTREPID amplifier
  • FEARLESS amplifier
  • Wi-RUSH amplifier
  • High efficiency speakers
  • Dynamic noise cancelling microphone
  • Earpads (no Earcups)
  • Nexus Connector (Stilo standard)


Will also work wht the Stilo WRC or DG range of amplifiers.

ZERONOISE INTERCOM KIT is a full replacement kit for open face helmets.


It is fully compatible with all ZERONOISE AMPLIFIERS and it is available with female nexus connectors.


Suits the following ZeroNoise Amplifiers.

  • BRAVE amplifier
  • INTREPID amplifier
  • FEARLESS amplifier
  • Wi-RUSH amplifier
  • High efficiency speakers
  • Dynamic noise cancelling microphone
  • Earpads (no Earcups)
  • Nexus Connector (Stilo standard)


Will also work wht the Stilo WRC or DG range of amplifiers.

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