This device assists rally navigators to plot precisely on both Ordnance Survey Landranger maps or indeed any 1:50,000 scale map worldwide. Including a variety of features, the Roamer has long been a necessity of rally navigation, pinpointing slots or controls in competitive scenarios, whilst being light and small enough to hang around your neck.
- The Basic Roamer features include:
- 100-500m Radius for black spots/quiets
- 1/4 grid square cut out
- 12 + 24 hour clock face
- 50, 100 metre scale
- 100 yard scale
- 1/10th, 1/6th, 1/8th 1 mile scale
- 1 Nautical mile scale
- Degree angles
- Protractor
- Ref to Roman numerals
- Average speed formulae
- Black text on Clear